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2023 PYF Annual Report

2023 PYF Annual Report

The 2023 Annual Report of the Prosperous Youth Foundation (PYF) highlights a year of impactful initiatives aimed at transforming the lives of Thai youth. Through programs like the Student Leadership Academy, which hosted retreats and mentoring for over 75 youth, to...

Retreat to Hua Hin

Retreat to Hua Hin

"Retreat to hua hin"  “What a huge testament to how these students are looking to make change for future generations, starting with themselves, as hope has been cultivated in their hearts.”  After 16 hours, overnight on a bus filled with frequent food stops and...

Grace in the Gaps

Grace in the Gaps

But when someone calls me late at night because he was kicked out of his third apartment this year, what does love require of me? I pray. I seek wise counsel. I push against the self-centered part of me that wants to hide or feign ignorance. I do my best to trust that when I don’t know the “best” thing to do, God’s grace fills in the gaps.

Even If For A Moment

Even If For A Moment

Even if it was for just a moment, having others in their lives who went through the same experience made it a little easier to move forward…

No Less God in the Shadows

No Less God in the Shadows

No Less God in The Shadows  Prosperous Youth Foundation 2021 Wrap-Up"2021 has shown us our resiliency in adversity and how there is no less God in the shadows we have had to wade through this year." It’s just the beginning of 2022 and the effects of Covid still...

Hope for a Better Future

Hope for a Better Future

"Hope for a  better future"  “Nothing is a quick or easy fix, but we are excited to see homes have hope for a better future for these youth..”  PYF has evolved over the years to not just be involved directly in the lives of youth living in youth homes, but to...

YLA Thinks, YLA Does

YLA Thinks, YLA Does

YLA Thinks, YLA Does   "But for some students in our Youth Leadership Academy (YLA) group, this became their time to shine. "   For Thailand, 2021 has actually caused us more  Covid-19 stress than 2020.  So while things were out of control elsewhere,...

“They go to God First”

“They go to God First”

I looked at her and repeated it aloud, hearing the name of one of our programs reflected back in what she said: God First. This is what we have wanted from the beginning.